Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Name: Stephen Bennet
Age: Late 20s
Nationality: English
Hometown: Derby
Current Residence: Rented-flat near city centre. Moved out at 16
Occupation: Sales Reprasentative (Call-centre)
Siblings (describe relationship): One sister who Stephen has not seen since he was a child of 8.
Spouse (describe relationship): N/A (Single – He has relationship issues.)
Children (describe relationship): None.
Grandparents (describe relationship): Met his grandparents on his mother’s side once, around the time he last saw his sister.
Grandchildren (describe relationship): None.
Significant Others (describe relationship): The nearest person to a friend that Stephen has is Matt, his colleague from the call-centre. (Unknown to Stephen, Matt isn’t really too fond of him).
Relationship skills: Very quiet and Self-aware.
Physical Characteristics: Hangs his head when he walks.
Height: 6foot 2inches.
Weight: Average / slim.
Race: British
Skin color: White - Caucasian
Shape of Face: Oval
Distinguishing features: Nothing special. Fairly ordinary.
How does he/she dress? Scruffy-esque (jeans, t-shirts, old trainers etc.)
Habits: (smoking, drinking etc.) Casual drinker, smokes but is thinking about quitting.
Health: fair-to-good
Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): Neo-shabby, (i.e scruffy-smart-casual)
Greatest flaw: Strangely compassionate at the start, but as the film develops he becomes more self-absorbed and vengeful.
Best quality: His dedication to his mother.
Which character from a thriller film is your character most likened to?: I would say a cross between Donnie Darko & the mourning brother in “Dead Man’s Shoes”.

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes:Educational Background: Tried hard in a run down state school.
Intelligence Level: Mid to high.
Any Mental Illnesses? He develops a mood disorder throughout the course of the script.
Character's short-term goals in life: To get to work on time and make enough money to get by.
Character's long-term goals in life: to have his revenge (he doesn’t know this at the start of the script)
How self-confident is the character? Not very self-confident at all.
What would most embarass this character? Being tied naked to a tree, sober.
How the Character is Involved in the Story: Main Character.
Character's role in the thriller (Protagonist/antagonist etc.): Protagonist....to Antagonist.
Scene where character first appears: First scene, in the call-centre.

Relationships with other characters:
1. Character's Name: -- (Describe relationship with this character and changes to relationship over the course of the film). Matt, colleague at the call-centre. Develops a strange respect for Steve as his (Steve’s) desire for vengeance grows.
2. Character's Name: -- (Describe relationship with this character and changes to relationship over the course of the film). Simon, Steve’s new boss. Stephen learns throughout the course of the film that Simon used to abuse his Mum and Steve when he was younger.
3. Character's Name: -- (Describe relationship with this character and changes to relationship over the course of the film). Lisa, Steve's long-lost sister. Steve finds his sister two-thirds of the way through the film. Through talking to his sister he discovers the truth about his boss, this is shown through grainy flashbacks.

How character is different at the end of the film from when the film began: Throughout the course of the film, Steve works out that his new boss (Simon) is the man that used to beat him when he was younger. This takes a large proportion of the film to unravel. By the end he has taken his boss semi-hostage and is in a quandary…..whether or not to take his revenge.

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