Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Fargo – Script Analysis Exercise

Main Body of Script

After comparing the final edit of Fargo’s introduction with the written script, I have discovered that some key changes have taken place. Most notably of these is the deletion of an entire scene in which Jerry checks into a motel. There are other minor alterations also; such as a change of name for the bar where the three men meet, the deletion of the roadsign for Fargo, and minor alterations to the script (which generally helps the dialogue flow better). I personally think that the final cut of Fargo stays true to the script, remaining as tense and dark-humoured as it was written by the Coen Brothers.


Jerry appears to be a shameless loser, who desperately needs a large sum of money to pay someone back. I assumed that Jerry had a gambling problem (or something of the like). Jerry is over-confident in a very naïve way. He assumes that getting his wife kidnapped by gangsters for $40,000 is a great idea. Jerry is a Protagonist in a sense, as we are inclined to feel a little sorry for him. He is however also an Antagonist as he arranging for something innocently horrific to take place.

Carl is one of two “Heavies” which have been sent to meet Jerry by the mysterious Shep. He seems to be the smarter of the two, and as such does most of the talking. He seems very cocky and suspicious / shifty. Carl is an Antagonist as he has agreed to kidnap Jerry’s wife for money.

Grimsrud is the second of the “Heavies” to be sent to meet Jerry by the mysterious Shep. He is a man of few words, whose main purpose is to sit with Carl and look menacing / intimidating. Grimsrud is also an Antagonist as he has agreed to kidnap Jerry’s wife for money.

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